Centro de Buceo Splash

Calle de Arriurdiñeta 19 31160 OrcoyenNavarra
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from 78€
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Description of Centro de Buceo Splash

Buceosplash company formed in 1994 dedicated to the training of divers of all levels. Located in Orkoien we move in an organized way to dive from Hondarribia, Hendaye, Getaria and Pasajes. Breathing compressed air recharging center authorized by the Department of Industry of the Government of Navarra. Our experience and prices make us, without a doubt, the best option to enjoy diving in Navarra and Guipuzcoa.

At Buceosplash we want you to train while having fun and that is why we have created courses to obtain different qualifications:

  • Open Water Diver: you must be over 12 years old and know how to swim. The first contact with diving will be in the pool and then we will go out to the sea where at least 4 dives will be made.
  • Advanced Diving: with this course you can dive up to 40 meters. You must have the OWD course and have done at least 10 dives. The classes will be given on the best beaches on the northern coast of Spain.
  • Divemaster: You must be at least 18 years old and have taken different diving courses. Not only will the advanced level course be enough, but it is also required to have attended the first aid and oxygenation course, courses that you can also take with Buceosplash. With the Divemaster course completed, you will be able to act as an instructor and infect all beginners with your passion for diving.

Our already widely known and recognized specialties are: First Aid, Oxygen Provider, Semiautomatic External Defibrillator and Basic Life Support recognized by the most prestigious international training companies, ACUC, USP and the national SEMYCIUC.

Contact us for more information about the exact places where we will carry out the activities depending on the time of year or to answer any questions you may have.

Scuba diving Scuba diving Spain Scuba diving Navarra Scuba diving Orcoyen

Price catalog from Centro de Buceo Splash


Open Water Diver Navarra Course

Open Water Diver Navarra Course


Useful information

15 years Advertised on Yumping
B31782204 Licence Number
March 11th 2024 last update
Splash Orkoien SL Company legal name
B31782204 Commercial register number
