Continente Blu

Loc. Sereni 84059 CamerotaSalerno

Offers of Scuba diving near Camerota


Water baptism in Agropoli lasting 2 hours

Water baptism in Agropoli lasting 2 hours

3 Bookings Verified
5.00 (2 reviews)


4-hour dive in the Agropoli area

4-hour dive in the Agropoli area

2 Bookings Verified
5.00 (1 review)


4-hour dive in the Pagliarulo area

Description of Continente Blu

Continente Blu is the Diving Center active in Marina di Camerota .

The affiliated center FIAS is managed directly by the National Presidency and directed by the National Inspector Mario Magliola, relies for its activities on FIAS certified guides and instructors, highly qualified and with very long experience at sea .

Continente Blu works with boarding in the port of Marina di Camerota and at the Green Village, from which courses for FIAS - CMAS patents EN certified / ISO.

Diving Continente Blu is also a diving school certified to the didactic and operational activity according to the standards of the renowned FIAS CMAS didactics.

The complete didactic apparatus of Blue Continent proposes:

  • Snorkeling courses (equipped swimming),
  • Minisub (aimed at children from nine years of age),
  • Dodicimeter Course ,
  • I, II and III level diving courses ,
  • Courses for Diving Guide ,
  • Course dry suit ,
  • Course marine biology ,
  • Specialty course night dives ,
  • Specialty course cave diving .

The teaching of our Federation is based on what are the founding bases of Italian diving, among the first to become institutionalized and which today boasts thirty years of activity, keeping itself updated over time about the most modern pedagogical methods and relying on effective teaching aids in order to guarantee the student a gradual learning.

With this spirit, Continente Blu continues its path and evolution, making use of increasingly modern technologies and methodologies.

The operational area winds along the coast, from Capo Palinuro to Porto Infreschi , a surprising karst area which, in its geological evolution, has given rise to many caves in an aerial environment, which were subsequently submerged from the advance of the sea and to suggestive marine caves formed by erosion.

In addition to the famous caves of Palinuro, there are many practically unknown sites, scattered on the eastern side of Marina di Camerota, many characterized by the presence of fresh water sources that make the dive, due to the phenomenon of the aloclino, particularly suggestive .

After emerging inside, it will also be possible for the diver to remove his diving equipment and treat himself to a short excursion to the cave, however, it is necessary to be particularly prepared due to the increasing difficulty of thesediving.

The cave diving offered by Blue Continent is particularly interesting from the biological point of view, due to the incredible variety of marine life that populates the walls of these environments: very rich populations of algae, the prairies of posidonia, and finally the extraordinary depths that rarely exceed 50 meters in depth, even under the cliffs of Capo Palinuro, create the ideal conditions for fish reproduction.

Even in the absence of a diving license, with the exits of Continente Blu , snorkelers will have the opportunity to appreciate the suggestive population of red algae, spongy encrustations, colonies of bryozoans, or move among schools of white breams, glances, murmurs and many other species. All participants in the snorkel excursions of the center are accompanied by a trained assistant, who will ensure, in addition to safety, also to guarantee the visit of the most interesting sites.

In addition to the submerged beauties, the emerged environment also offers extraordinary surprises, the park of Cilento and the Val di Diano constitute our hinterland, rich in the signs of history : the ancient ruins of Velia, the Spanish towers that, since the 16th century, have dotted and monitored our coast.

Contact now Blue Continent for more information!

Scuba diving Scuba diving Italy Scuba diving Campania Scuba diving Salerno

Useful information

12 years Advertised on Yumping
24 Hours response rate
