Ocean Trek is a scuba diving and diving school that carries out dives and activities in different areas of the south of the island of Tenerife. In their catalog of activities they propose:
The areas we have chosen to immerse ourselves vary depending on your level. One of the beaches where we do the most diving is Playa Paraíso where we can reach up to 30 meters depth enjoying animal life of all kinds. We will also go to Roncadores del Faro where you will find an incredible cliff that reaches up to 25 meters deep. If you want to swim with the fish, the snorers area is the best since we will find schools of fish that will surround you enjoying incredible sensations.
In addition, we approach sunken ships like the Condesito in Punta Rasca. This boat is 20 meters deep and is home to different species such as groupers, crabs, lobsters... an ideal place for those looking for new experiences. We will also visit the Regasy III, a ship that sank in the Los Chucos area and is guarded by hundreds of rays and fish that will appear when you approach the ruins. br />
If you are interested in our activities but have any questions, contact us and we will resolve them as soon as possible.
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