3 Results

  • 6

    Segway route through the old town of Cuenca 1 hour

    Segway route through the old town of Cuenca 1 hour

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    Latest booking 51 days ago
    from 25€ price/person
  • 6

    Segway route through Las Grajas in Cuenca 90 min

    Segway route through Las Grajas in Cuenca 90 min

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    1 Booking Verified
    from 40€ price/person
  • 8

    Segway route through the Hoz del Río Júcar 2h and 30min

    Segway route through the Hoz del Río Júcar 2h and 30min

    Cuenca, Castilla la Mancha
    from 50€ price/person

All the Segway companies in Castilla la Mancha

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