Would you like to get to know the population of Pals while driving a different, very fast and safe vehicle? In Livetour you will discover all the corners full of culture and history on segway.
What are our segway routes?
- Ruta de l´arros: you will tour our memorable rice fields for 1 hour, contemplating Basses d'en Coll. Everyone can do this excursion because its difficulty is very low. Most of the sections are smooth and without slopes.
- Sorreres Route: the privileged ones will be able to enjoy a walk, of medium difficulty, through our pine forests, until reaching the Can Pou fountain. For 1 hour you will travel along sandy paths, where you can put the segway in extreme situations.
- Mixed Route: you will enter different parts of the town: the pine forests, the rice fields and the old Radio Liberty antenna area. It is expected that we will spend 1 hour visiting these magical places.
- Night Route: we will skirt the Pals promenade for 30 minutes in the middle of the night. You will enjoy the stars and the moonlight with the Mediterranean Sea in the background.
We also do segway routes along the beach during the day.
Segway Spain
Segway Cataluña
Segway Girona
Segway Pals