With Infinit Ski no matter what time of year it is, the snow report will always be good, you can ski every day of the year! Come try our indoor center in Madrid and get on our state-of-the-art simulator. Acquire coordination, balance and technique with our most personalized attention.
Our professional team of ski and snow instructors will always be at your side to offer you the best indoor ski classes. Thanks to them, you will achieve progressive learning with concrete results. The groups will be very small, made up of students of your age and/or level.
This simulator is perfect for both adults and children. If you want to take your child skiing, you can bring him here first so he can adjust in a much less imposing environment.
Skiing in Madrid is possible. We are located a few minutes from the city center, so do not hesitate to come visit us. We will put at your disposal the necessary ski equipment, you just have to bring a lot of desire to try something new. We don't need snow, neither real nor artificial!
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