École de Parachutisme de Besançon

Route de l'aérodrome 25660 La VèzeDoubs
Real reviews

Description of École de Parachutisme de Besançon

Besançon Skydiving School, the story of a passion.

The beginnings of the School's existence took place in the 1970s. Basically, it was a parachute club founded by a group of friends passionate about this aerial sport.

The club became a school in 1982, and since then, volunteers have taken care of its proper functioning, the transmission of all the experience acquired since the first day, and the smooth running of the activity.

Several training courses will be available to you, including:

  • The OA discovery jump (Automatic Opening): you jump from the plane, alone, and your parachute opens automatically. Of course, you are supervised by a team of professionals who will train you before your first jump. However, expect a proper adrenaline rush.
  • The PAC discovery jump (Accompanied Progression in Fall): you jump at 4000m accompanied by 2 instructors. The instructors are there to show you the correct position to adopt when falling, and to help you open the parachute if necessary. With this format you test free fall from the first jump.
  • Tandem jump: you jump with an instructor, who will trigger the opening of the canopy after a free fall which will leave you with an unforgettable impression.

Courses are also organized if you wish to train in more depth, once touched by the passion for skydiving. This is why ourinfrastructure has the capacity to accommodate budding skydivers, with all the necessary comfort.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information!

Skydiving Skydiving France Skydiving Franche - Comté

Reviews of École de Parachutisme de Besançon

Very Good Based on 1 reviews

All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity

Chevreux Christelle 10 Very good

Review translated from French

Very simple and very quick contact with the aerodrome concerned. Excellent.
Review sent on 20/08/13
Review useful for 1 people Did you find this helpful? Yes

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping


How to get there?
Click on the following link to directly access the route on Google Mapshttps://www.google.fr/maps/dir//maps+ecole+de+parachutisme+de+besançon/@47.2083107,6.0130153,12z/data=! 3m1!4b1!4m8!4m7!1m0!1m5!1m1!1s0x478d7b8028d7f911:0x25780437054dfa49!2m2!1d6.083055!2d47.208332