Parachuting Turin is the perfect place to practice the exciting adventure of tandem jump. With all Sakydive Garz professionals and all the most modern technologies, you will learn this discipline that we are sure you will want to repeat.
Everyone can do tandem jump , the only thing you need here is not to be afraid. You have to leave that at home, here you just have to bring the desire. You will feel the 4000 meters below you . You get to here in an airplane where you get ready, always together with your instructor, to launch yourself.
At the beginning do a free fall , and then it's time to open the parachute, here you can already relax and feel the air above you, look at the most beautiful stage. It's time to shout, only the tandem jump will allow you this.
If you want to remember this very important moment, one of our companions will launch with you and will record your whole day. Then you can see the result of this adventure.
Garzigliana » Turin
Cumiana » Turin
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