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Skydive Pujaut

Aérodrome 30131 PujautGard
The room with swimming pool

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Description of Skydive Pujaut

Discover the passion for freefall with theSkydive Pujautteam!

Skydive Pujaut is yourSkydiving School in Languedoc-Roussillon! Equipment and training will be provided to you on site, for an unforgettable adventure in comfort and safety.

To discover the activity if you have never practiced skydiving, two options will be offered to you:

  • Your first jump:Tandem baptism
  • PAC discovery formula: Accompanied Progression in Fall

Take part in ground training with an experienced instructor, then climb with the team to nearly 4,000 meters of altitude. Then take the plunge! and experience free fall!

If you are already an experiencedparachutist, know that improvement courses will be offered to you, and in particular:

  • Relative Flight
  • The Contact Veil
  • The Free Fly

The team welcomes you in a friendly atmosphere and adapts to your pace so that you can learn safely and gradually.

Skydive Pujaut, launch yourself into the sky!

Skydiving Skydiving France Skydiving Languedoc - Roussillon

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping
