Surfing Euskadi

San Pelaioko Bide Nagusia, 58 48130 BakioVizcaya

Offers of Surfing near Bakio


Get started in surfing in Vizcaya 2 hours

Get started in surfing in Vizcaya 2 hours

12 Bookings Verified
4.75 (4 reviews)


Private surf course 2 hours in Sopelana

Private surf course 2 hours in Sopelana

4 Bookings Verified
5.00 (1 review)
70€ 21% from


1 day of group surfing in Sopelana

1 day of group surfing in Sopelana

4 Bookings Verified
4.00 (1 review)

Description of Surfing Euskadi

Surfing Euskadi is a tourism product promoted by the Basque tourism agency, Basquetour, dependent on Tourism of the Basque Government. We are based in Bakio, known for its coasts full of sand, beaches and waves that are optimal for surfing. Surfing Euskadi is an invitation for you to enter the wonderful experience of surfing in Euskadi and enjoy each of its waves, its natural surroundings and its beautiful beaches.

You will have many and varied possibilities, according to your level and experience and you will have the advice of the best guides and professionals who will help you at all times to discover the best waves and get started in the fascinating world of surfing.

Here everything is thought about surfing, from accommodation to the organization of events and surfcamps. Surfing Euskadi offers the possibility of getting into the practice of surfing in a fun, safe and efficient way through intensive courses, lasting one, two or one day.

Surfing Surfing Spain Surfing País Vasco Surfing Vizcaya Surfing Bakio

Useful information

14 years Advertised on Yumping
