All Terrain Routes we are a group of driving professionals "Off road" that organizes 4x4 routes, competitions, events motorcycling, ATV excursions and enduro routes inside and outside of Mexico. If you have your own all-terrain vehicle, Don't wait any longer, join and share the experience.
We have more than 14 years of experience, traveling paths from India, Moab, Africa and even Costa Rica.
In addition, we offer learning courses and clinics with levels from Beginners to Competition Pilots, taught at our private track located in Chiluca, State of Mexico.
Currently, we represent our country in international competitions such as the International Rain Forest Challenge in Malaysia.
Our main objective is to give all fans of off road routes authentic contact with nature aboard their impressive vehicles, experiencing new adventures every day.
Don't miss the Opportunity to practice your favorite sport in spectacular and unparalleled places, just bring your vehicle and we will take care of the slopes, the professionals and, above all, give you an incredible experience.
Theme Parks
Ixtapan de La Sal » State of Mexico
Theme Parks
Coacalco » State of Mexico
Theme Parks
Teotihuacán » State of Mexico
If you are passionate about jeeps and off-road vehicles, Rutas All Terrano offers you not only a place to drive, but a community that will take you to the world "off road" . For our excursions we ask that you come with your OWN vehicle, something very important since we only organize excursions, we DO NOT offer RENT.
All Terrain Routes isan association of expert pilots on all-terrain routes in Mexico who have been organizing events for more than 14 years. Therefore, they offer you an endless world of different ways to live your passion for 4x4s.
Guided routes in which you have to bring your Jeep or 4x4:
- 1 day: Excursions 2 hours from Mexico City whose main objective is to take tours through natural landscapes for drivers of all levels. The routes are designed so that beginners and advanced users can enjoy the tour.
- 2 days: Excursions to different parts of the Mexican Republic, Fridays and Saturdays, with the aim of making long journeys. The route is suitable for all vehicles with Chicken Way steps so as not to hurt your 4x4 if it is not equipped.
All Terrain Routes also offers you courses called 4 x 4 Driving Clinics that are taught on the private track of Chiluca, in the State of Mexico:
- Beginner: Circuits of stones, mud, wading, inclines, ups and downs to learn to control the 4x4.
- Advanced: Courses on routes with more difficult obstacles, where they will teach you how to right your jeep if it turns over, how to perform extreme steps and a bit of rescue mechanics.
- Expert pilots and competition: Special course on extreme driving and on difficult-to-access terrain.
In addition, Rutas All Terrano hasprofessional workshops specialized in off-road vehicles to equip your vehicle.
4x4 Tours
Chapa de Mota » State of Mexico
All Terrain Routes offers you ATV excursions throughout the Mexican Republic. You COME with YOUR OWN vehicle and join us!!!!!!!!!!!
All Terrain Routes is a group of athletes and specialists in off-road routes, which more than an events company, are a community of professionals and fans of all-terrain vehicles.
For this reason, it invites you to two-day excursions which are usually Saturday and Sunday, camping or sleeping in comfortable hotels and cabins anywhere in the country.
At all times of the tour, the group is led by a specialized and qualified guide to respond to any event.
This activity can be attended by 250cc ATVs and, it doesn't matter if you don't have a 4x4, you can also attend with sports motorcycles.
For these expeditions, you must bring your equipment, without forgetting of course the helmet, goals and gloves. This is very important since we DO NOT have vehicle RENT.
Valle de Bravo » State of Mexico
Ocoyoacac » State of Mexico
Malinalco » State of Mexico
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