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Alligator Rafting

le Pont Long 04400 BarcelonnetteAlpes-de-Haute-Provence
Group descent
Rafting with friends

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Offers of Water Sports near Barcelonnette


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Sea trip - Fishing 1 day Esparron de Verdon


Description of Alligator Rafting

Aligattor Rafting invites you to discover or rediscover thevarious white water sports up and down and across the valley of theUbaye in Barcelonnette.

The sports offered to you are Rafting, Hydrospeed, Canoe, Kayakand an activity exclusive to the brand: the River Trek.

All the equipment, namely the suit, thepair of boots,the jacket, thelife jacket and thehelmet are provided to you to ensure optimal security.

Aboard aCanoe, aKayakor aRaft boat, test the rapids and rough currents of theUbaye and has its 50 navigable kilometers.

No less than 5 courses have been specially designed so that everyone can adapt their descent according to their level and the sensations sought.

The store is open from9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,so remember to book in advance.

Discovery day, full day or descent day, all the ingredients are there so that you can fully enjoy your stay at Alligator Rafting.

If you need more information regarding Alligator Rafting do not hesitate to contact them or make a free information request.

Useful information

12 years Advertised on Yumping
