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Club Mistral

Hotel Hurricane y Valdevaqueros 11380 TarifaCádiz
Tarifa Beach
Fantastic conditions on the beaches of Tarifa

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Offers of Water Sports near Tarifa


Boat Fishing in Chipiona 5h

Boat Fishing in Chipiona 5h

60 Bookings Verified
4.50 (20 reviews)


Half Day Fishing Children (3-14 Years) Chipiona

Half Day Fishing Children (3-14 Years) Chipiona

12 Bookings Verified
Children activities
4.00 (3 reviews)


Catamaran fishing on the coast of Chipiona 4 hours

Catamaran fishing on the coast of Chipiona 4 hours

7 Bookings Verified
2.50 (2 reviews)

Description of Club Mistral

Club Mistral was born in 1985 as a school with the aim of promoting the practice of such exciting aquatic adventure sports as kitesurfing and windsurfing using the constant wind that exists in the areas. beaches of Tarifa in Cádiz.

Today we continue in this line, teaching courses on Valdevaquero beach in Tarifa. We also have centers distributed in other parts of the globe, being one of the leading companies in this field.

Both the kitesurfing and windsurfing courses take you to the maximum technical level starting from the first notions on the beach. In 2-hour classes every day in small groups to learn better.

In our two centers in Tarifa you can rent material of either type so you can go out to sea yourself and face the waves independently.

Useful information

15 years Advertised on Yumping
