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Planète Rivière

29 Le Raphaël 06270 Villeneuve LoubetAlpes-Maritimes
Rafting with colleagues

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Planète Rivière

Deportes Acuáticos

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Description of Planète Rivière

Planète Rivière, white water activities on the most beautiful rivers of the Southern Alps and the Côte d'Azur!

From April until October, you have the opportunity to discover the pleasures of rivers and the sea with the team of state-certified instructors.

For this Planète Rivière invites you to come and do Rafting, canoe, Kayak, water hiking.

From the introduction discovery course to the sports program, the Planète Rivière team will be delighted to share its passion with you.

Prepare to discover along the water, picturesque landscapes typical of the Southern Alps or the Côte d'Azur.

Bachelor parties for young people, birthdays or other events will be a success at Planète Rivière.

If you have any questions about Planète Rivière and its activities, do not hesitate to contact them or request free, no-obligation information.

Team members

  • Marc Pucher
    Monitor Guide
    Specialized in: Canoeing Kayaking Rafting

    Marc, holder of the State certificate as well as the BPJEPS Canoe-Kayak and associated whitewater disciplines... good humor & experience in the industry for many years, to guarantee you a successful outing!

Useful information

12 years Advertised on Yumping
Planète Rivière Company legal name
