Salina Diving Center

Porto di Rinella 98050 LeniMessina

Offers of Water Sports near Leni

Description of Salina Diving Center

Salina Diving Center is the diving center and diving school that takes you to experience the Aeolian Islands...under the sea.

The commitment of the school and the trained professionals who work within it ranges from diving to diving courses, but is not limited to the diving field, also involving the rental of dinghies of different sizes.

Trust the great preparation and professionalism of the team and collaborators ofSalina Divingand discover all the beauties that make this archipelago unique,declared a world heritage site by UNESCO in 2000. >

In addition to the convenience of being able to use a dinghy equipped for the transport of 20 passengers, to reach the diving points, the structure has all the comforts for the diver and his needs.

You can rent all the equipment needed to dive and participate in:

  • Guided daytime diving excursions (2 are organized per day) in Lipari and along the neighboring islands,
  • Night excursions with guide, on request
  • Training courses for CMAS teaching from 1st to 3rd level
  • Cylinder refill with Bauer compressor.

Contact the center for more information.

Useful information

15 years Advertised on Yumping


Salina Diving Center Scuba diving

Porto di Rinella 98050 LeniMessina

Offers of Scuba diving near Leni


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Description of Salina Diving Center Scuba diving

Do you want to discover the world that is hidden under our feet? Immerse yourself in the bluest waters surrounding yourself with fish and marine wonders. You have come to the right place: Salina Diving Center .

Our passion is water and everything that can be rationalized with it, in fact we love the opportunity to immerse ourselves in our magnificent islands to discover the most unknown and mysterious places, in search of the ruins of old vessels or scattered treasures.

In our school you can participate in different courses that will allow you to become a diving expert , in fact, thanks to our instructors, with decades of experience, you will learn thanks to quick and dynamic lessons, formed by a theoretical and practical part .

In the theoretical lessons you will be given some tips that will help you to get along better once immersed in the water, and to make your experience below sea level 100% safe.

The courses and excursions we offer are the following :

  • Daytime guided diving excursions (2 are organized per day) to Lipari and along the neighboring islands,
  • Night excursions with guide, on request
  • Training courses for CMAS teaching from 1st to 3rd level
  • Cylinder refill with Bauer compressor.

Do not hesitate to contact us, we are waiting for you!

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Salina Diving Center Boat Rental

Porto di Rinella 98050 LeniMessina

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Description of Salina Diving Center Boat Rental

Hai voglia di farti a gita fuori dalla routine di tutti i gironi, scappando dal grigiore della città e scoprendo luoghi nuovi?

Salina Diving Center has the solution to the tuo case: noleggiare un gommone e scappere in mar aperto !

La tua passione è il mare, l'aria fesca che ti accarezza il volo metre sfrecci in mare a aperto? Non potrai di certo perderti questa grande opportunitá di passare a giornata assieme alla tua famiglia or ai tuoi amici.

Grazie ai nostri gommoni dovrai solo scegliere with quante persone andare a divertirti, infatti le nostre imbarcaizoni possono accogliere dalle 6 alle 12 persone .

Il noleggio will see Porto di Rinella alle 9 of the mattino , and dovrá essere consegnato alle 19 . I nostri gommoni possono essere noleggiati sia with the patent che senza.

The fuel not foreseen in the prezzo del noleggio , infatti i gommoni verrano consegnati pieni e dovranno essere restituite ugualemte pieni; avrete la possibilità di fare benzina presso il distributore al mare nel Porto di Santa Marina di Salina.

Tutte le nostre imbarcazioni sono assicurate per garantirvi un'uscita in comple sicurezza.

Cosa aspetti, contattaci subito per riservare il tuo gommone.

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