Tropea Sub

Porto di Tropea - Molo pescatori 89861 TropeaVibo Valentia
Lowest price
from 25€
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Description of Tropea Sub

The Tropea Sub Diving Center has been active since 1995 and operates in Tropea, a charming town called the "Pearl of the Tyrrhenian Sea", certainly one of the most beautiful and bright places on the Calabrian Coast, located along the "Costa degli Gods".

The extraordinary beauty of these coasts and the clarity of the turquoise sea that bathes them, as well as particularly mild and favorable weather and sea conditions all year round, make them a perfect spot for diving enthusiasts who want to be surprised by the richness and the charm of its backdrops.

The Diving "TropeaSub" is located inside the Port of Tropea with a large car park, overlooked by the cliff of the historic center of Tropea, and offers complete courses in the school's course booklet from the basic level of Open Water Diver up to the professionalizing level of Assistant Instructor, as well as a wide range of DAN specialties and technical courses.

Dives for already certified divers or for trainees will then be carried out daily in the diving points scattered along the coast, a short distance from the center and reachable in a maximum of 10 minutes by boat from Tropea.

The coast opposite the white beaches of Tropea, S. Irene and Capo Vaticano host underwater itineraries capable of surprising even the most demanding divers, thanks to seabeds with a peculiar morphology and dotted of rocky shallows which have become the habitat of a particularly populous flora and fauna.

All dives are managed by expert and certified diving guides, who have gained attention and high professionalism over years of activity and who will ensure that you do not miss even one of the splendid natural underwater manifestations strong> and the small animals that populate this splendid sea.

You can also count on the centre's experience for:

  • Boat excursions along the beaches of Tropea, S. Irene and Capo Vaticano or along the Aeolian Islands
  • Dinghy and boat rental with or without a license to be able to enjoy your holiday in command of your own boat
  • Fishing charter service in which we will provide everything you need

Reviews of Tropea Sub

Very Good Based on 8 reviews
Very economical
Very Exciting
Very good

All our reviews are verified. 100% of customers have enjoyed this activity

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Useful information

15 years Advertised on Yumping
April 11th 2022 last update
Diving center tropeasub di la torre albina Company legal name
02779290796 Commercial register number


Price catalog from Tropea Sub


Private boat excursion with skipper Tropea 4h


Boat excursion with snorkeling in Tropea 4h

Tropea Sub Scuba diving

Porto di Tropea - Molo pescatori 89861 TropeaVibo Valentia
Real reviews

Description of Tropea Sub Scuba diving

Tropea Sub , as indicated by the nome dell'azienda, subverts the smooth attività in the territory of Tropea avendo eats attività principale diffusione della pratica delle immersioni subacquee per offrire a tutti l ' opportunità di conoscere le bellezze dei fondali della costa calabrese.

Tropea Sub you will be able to take part alle immersioni organize periodically , which means lungo punti specifici distanti circa 10 minuti di navigazione dal porto di Tropea. If there is the possibility of immersioni nelle acque che bagnano le splendide spiagge di S. Irene e Capo Vatican or , che spiccano for the particolare conformazione dei fondali e per la presenza di secche rocciose popolate gives a costellata flora and fauna of colori e varietà.

I would like to call you daily frequency with due immersioni al giorno , ciascuna with a massimo di dieci partecipanti, which will take place on board the gommoni messi available. Avrete semper a guida che vi accompagnerà during l'attività and vi saranno fornite tutte le attrezzature necessarie come bombole, zavorra ed assicurazione with il DAN Europe .

Tropea Sub if you are concerned about the organization of the corsi di immersioni according to the indications of the didattica internazionale SSI , agreeing to obtain a valid brief in tutto il mondo . I corsi potranno essere rivolti a tutti , dagli Open Water Driver fine ad Assistant istruttore and specialità. He didattiche summer his principi SSI e DAN , needed per il rilascio di brevetti e diplomi a livello internazionale.

Scuba diving Scuba diving Italy Scuba diving Calabria Scuba diving Vibo Valentia

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Useful information

15 years Advertised on Yumping
April 11th 2022 last update


Tropea Sub Boat Trips

Porto di Tropea - Molo pescatori 89861 TropeaVibo Valentia
Lowest price
from 25€
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Description of Tropea Sub Boat Trips

Un'escursione guidata in barca with Tropea Sub you offre the extraordinary possibilità di conoscere in a mania nuova ed tightly rilassante le spiagge di Tropea, S. Irene e Capo Vatican oppure scegliere a visit alle Isole Eolie.

Lontano dal frastuono delle spiagge and condotto dal nostro staff, you will carry live a rilassante and rigenerante giornata . I will take you on start tutte dal porto di Tropea aboard the nostri gommoni BWA 740, Nuova Jolly gives 6 metri or Posillipo sport gives 7.50 metri. Potrai scegliere tra le seguenti escursioni:
  • Stroll to Stromboli - Isole Eolie nella quale visitrete la splendida isola sormontata dal vulcano, potrete ammirare le varie formazioni geologiche dovute alle eruzioni vulcaniche e la particolare spiaggia nera dell'isola with le sue acque cristalline. In the middle of the sarà l'opportunità di godere di uno splendido stretch to Tropea
  • Escursione lungo the coast in direzione S. Irene , l'escursione si svilupperà verso nord visiting the spiagge and insenature della costa nella quale avrete la possibilità di tuffarvi nel mare cristallino ed osservare le varie specie marine
  • Run along the coast in the direction of Capo Vaticano , if you visit Grotte Particolari for the cleanliness of the sue acque, Antichi Resti Romani Sommersi Visitabili processes snorkeling and gli scogli che if uncontreranno Lungo il tragitto.
Scrivici per avere maggiori informazioni!

Boat Trips Boat Trips Italy Boat Trips Calabria Boat Trips Vibo Valentia Boat Trips Tropea

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Useful information

15 years Advertised on Yumping
April 11th 2022 last update


Price catalog from Tropea Sub Boat Trips


Private boat excursion with skipper Tropea 4h


Boat excursion with snorkeling in Tropea 4h

Tropea Sub Boat Rental

Porto di Tropea - Molo pescatori 89861 TropeaVibo Valentia
Real reviews

Description of Tropea Sub Boat Rental

Noleggiare un'imbarcazione with Tropea Sub sarà la giusta occasione per passare a giornata rilassante with the family or with gli amici lungo the cost of litorale calabrese . Tropea Sub , attiva nella diffusione della pratica delle immersioni subacquee, offre the possibilità di usufruire di altri servizi tra cui il noleggio delle imbarcazioni .

Le imbarcazioni potranno essere noleggiate with or senza nautical patent , and in the specific:
  • Gommone Joker Coaster gives 5.50 metri with a motore da 40 cavalli , noleggiabile senza patent, and with capienza massima 7 persone
  • Gommone Joker Clubmann 19 with a motore da 40 cavalli e che può ospitare fina a 10 persone
  • Gommone bwa platinum gives 5.50 metri with a motor of 40hp ed omologato per 8 persone
  • Mariner gives 7.50 metri with a motore da 225hp , noleggiabile exclusively with patent, ed in grade of fine ospitare to 24 persone
Take the possibilità di noleggiare le imbarcazioni per più giorni, in the mode of poter ammirare in maniera rilassata tutte le bellezze costiera di Tropea.

Per ricevere maggiori informazioni invited a richiesta di informazioni!

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15 years Advertised on Yumping
April 11th 2022 last update


Tropea Sub Fishing

Porto di Tropea - Molo pescatori 89861 TropeaVibo Valentia
Real reviews

Description of Tropea Sub Fishing

Tropea Sub organizes fishing trips , providing fully equipped boats for the activity.

Departing from the municipal port, Tropea Sub will take you to live an authentic fishing experience along the coasts of the Calabrian coast, with views of the beaches of S. Irene, Tropea and Capo Vaticano or choose a fishing adventure near the Aeolian Islands.

Tropea Sub will provide you with boats fully equipped for fishing , with the best materials carefully selected to offer customers maximum performance dealing with large and combative prey that populate the Mediterranean Sea .

Our 8, 10 and 24 seater boats will be made available with different engines and sizes that will be led by our staff, made up of expert fishermen who will follow you during the fishing to offer you the best technical advice allowing you to complete fruitful fishing trips.

To receive more information, write to us and you will have all the details about our activities.

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