Windsurf Granada is a school completely dedicated to Windsurfing in the Rules reservoir, in Granada. There you can practice this sport from April to October.
What course do you need?
Initiation level. For those who want to start or if it is their first time. This is a three-day course lasting nine hours in total. You will learn to navigate in calm waters, after the course you will be able to tack, upwind, return or move without problems. The course is small, only three or four students can participate.
Medium Level. Once you have completed the introductory course, you will be ready for an introductory course with wind. You will use progression material, you will perform maneuvers with less bulky boards, you will be introduced to gliding and the use of harnesses. The course is three days and takes place in the afternoons.
Progression Level. You will learn to return to the starting point, to return to the initial position towards windward without difficulty and all this with a 150 liter board, you will use harnesses and make quick turns. All this in a three-day half-day course. They will provide you with all the material.
Advanced Level. Once you have reached a certain progression, glide and turn, beachstart and jibe, you have to sign up for this three-day course. You will gain all the knowledge to be autonomous at sea, from Waterstars and planing with harnesses to footstraps. If you master all of this, the instructor will ensure that you manage to jibe, a maneuver considered key in windsurfing.
Children's course. Children from eight to twelve can also windsurf. The class will last an hour and a half and will help you get started little by little in the sport. Day by day, content such as halyarding, heading, tacking, gybing, upwind, helicopter... and other maneuvers will be included.
Windsurf Baptism. A baptism is perfect if you have never been on a board. In three hours you can try this sport and see if you like it. You will learn some maneuvers and learn not to fall off the board, as well as basic postures.
Material rental. Depending on your level you will use one material or another, Windsurf Granada will recommend the best option. Check out the different rental options.
Windsurfing Spain
Windsurfing Andalucía
Windsurfing Granada