Cavas Rovellats, included in the "Industrial Tourism" itineraries of the General Directorate of Tourism of the Generalitat of Catalonia as well as in the Dyonisios program of the EEC, offers us a guided tour of its wineries to immerse ourselves in the fabulous world of oenology.
The complete visit to the facilities ofCavas Rovellats will show you the 10th-15th century farmhouse that gave its name to Rovellats, the chapel of the Virgin of Montserrat that contains a reproduction of identical size and shape than the original, museum - entrance to the cellars (with collections of advertising posters from the modernist era and old bottles), the winemaking cellar and underground cellars (12 m deep) for aging, conceived with a unique radial architectural structure in our country.
The guided tour will last approximately 1 hour and a half and two types of cavas will be tasted, a reserva and a gran reserva
For any type of query, contact Cavas Rovellats. With them you will learn all the secrets of cava, from its origins until you enjoy it at home.
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