The beginnings of the Torre del Veguer winery date back to the 15th century, at that time the Hieronymite friars lived in the winery and began to cultivate vines. It was not until the universal exhibition held in Barcelona when these wines received a gold medal. Since then the winery has not stopped growing, incorporating new wines and creating facilities that maintain the medieval appearance of the original structure.
Its three pillars are the care and surveillance of the vineyard, the production of high-quality wines and the incorporation of new vine varieties to continue evolving.
Enjoy the wine tourism visits that they propose:
The visits begin with the history of the Estate, a history that began in the 14th century. After answering your questions, you will take a walk through the vineyards observing the different phases of the vine depending on the time of year. To finish, you will have a visit to the wineries, you will see the selection and production process and how it is bottled. Although the part that always arouses the most interest is the tasting, when you add flavor and smell to the wines they have been telling you about. They will let you try two of their wines, Gala and Eclèctic.
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