If you thought that the beautiful sport couldn't be better in BallSoccer Navaluenga we are going to show you that you still have a lot of fun to discover with the new bubble soccer. Imagine what can happen if we put each player inside a huge plastic ball and eliminate all the rules. Every time someone hits you, or collides with you, you will roll away and turn upside down, at the very least! Also, since you will be padded, you can make the animal whatever you want, we know you want it.
As if that were not enough, there are variants of the game so that it is always different. We present to you:
- Football match: a traditional party between friends that will be very different from what you are used to.
- Super Sumo: plant yourself firmly on the ground because this time the objective is for you to knock each other down in individual fights. If you go to the ground, you're out.
- Panzer Division: we will form a tank by uniting all the bubbles of each of the teams and you will all face each other at the same time. Only some will manage to stay upright and be able to proclaim themselves winners.
- Bowling: we hardly need to explain to you that this time, the game of bowling takes on gigantic dimensions. Each player within his bubble will have two rolls.
- Total Blocking: you will have to ensure that the opponents do not cross the field by building a barrier in the middle that will start with one participant and which will be joined by those who are blocked.
- Touch Down: one of you will be the ball and will have to reach the opponent's field while the other team acts with a defensive tactic.
Zorbing Spain
Zorbing Castilla y León
Zorbing Ávila